Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Year 4

So, Last weekend was officially me and Daddy's fourth anniversary as partners. We haven't been a Daddy/boy couple for nearly as long, but as partners together? We're now into our fourth year, which is extremely novel for me, since until now, the biggest anniversary I've ever managed to celebrate was 4 years.

In that four years, I have grown so much, both as a Boy and as a person more generally. When we met, I was still working on an Honours thesis, hoping to get into a PhD and live a life of Academia. I was still hurting from a very painful year, I was living in share housing, and I was still very little.

And now? I've long since abandoned the dream of a university life, I've instead moved towards banking as a job, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, I'm collared to my Daddy, now for over a year, I'm living with my Daddy instead of with others, and I'm slowly, but surely, starting to rebuild that thing called a social life.

Of course, those are only the smallest changes - in four years I have made huge numbers of changes (I've effectively moved once a year in that time, for example), but in a lot of ways, the result is what stands, and from where I'm standing, I can only see my life improving, with me and my Daddy continuing to get what we want and what we need. There'll be changes, there always are, but we've seemed to be pretty good at dealing with the changes as they've come, and I don't see any reason why that will stop.

Here's to hoping that in another four years, thing will be even better!

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