Saturday, May 21, 2011

Caged Back In

This week, Daddy decided that since I've healed up, I get to go into the Birdcage on a more long-term basis. I'd gotten to sleep in it once when we first got it, but my arm being in a sling made wearing the device long term untenable (since having it on does make a whole lot of things more awkward). But now, I'm healed up, feeling a hell of a lot better, and now, the Birdcage is on on a full-time basis!

So, I've now been in the Birdcage for almost a week (7 days on, 1 day off in the middle, which is I think a new record for me in the cage!), and so, I think I've been wearing it for long enough to have some thoughts about being in it longer-term:

  • It's really pretty, especially on me. It's nice and shiny, and it looks, well, vaguely natural, compared to the clear plastic of the CB6000.

  • It's surprisingly comfortable, truth be told. For something made out of hard, unyielding steel, it's actually really comfortable to wear for the most part. The trickiest issues are wearing it under clothes and having to surreptitiously adjust the device when I sit down, or am driving, since the most comfortable position standing up is rarely the same as sitting down, and underwear kinda restricts where the Bircage can roll.

  • That said, erections in the cage hurt. When you're totally in the mood, and absolutely having fun, you don't care, but the testicles can really get squeezed in that thing.

    Oh, I should probably elaborate on that one. See, the penis actually doesn't get most of the pain. In my case, when I get hard, I get long enough that there's a goodly amount of shaft being pushed behind the ring as well, pushing the testicles further forward, which causes squeezing. Which can get rather... Ouchy.

  • Cleaning in the cage is actually remarkably straightforward - when I'm soft, I can even peel the foreskin down and clean properly, which is kinda remarkable. I haven't been noticing any particularly bad smell, and since it's mostly metal, and I can squeeze toilet paper around the bars, it's really easy to clean up after peeing too. I have, however, decided to start peeing sitting. It's not that it's messy standing up, but it can be a little harder to control.

  • The sleep, as to be expected, has been rather interrupted for the first week, but I think I'm finally getting used to sleeping with it on. I also suspect the application of moisturiser to previously aforementioned bits also helps significantly in stopping night erections from waking me up. For example, I don't remember actually waking up last night, which has to be a good sign.

As for the feeling of being in Chastity again? I've discussed it previously, but having a cock cage on? It's kinda like having a collar - you can be owned without one, but having that physical reminder makes you remember it all the time. During the Year of Chastity, I spent most of that time with my chastity just sorta being this neutral state. Whereas I don't think the same would be true in the cage, if the last week has been any indication. You feel it every minute of every day, it's a constant reminder of what you've submitted to (which, admittedly, can be very... ouchy when you're turned on by chastity!), which just makes it impossible to forget.

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