Thursday, October 18, 2012


My Psych has been telling me to get more into meditation, and to start getting into activities that don't involve me zoning out in front of a computer. Blogging, I suspect, is not 100% what my psych ordered, but I have at least made a step on the meditation front. One of the biggest difficulties I have with meditation is doing it consistently - my preferred meditation style is to sort beads - something nice and repetitive that lets me pay attention to my brain, but it's something that can't be done just anywhere.

So, my psych has got me onto an app called Headspace. The idea is that I do a ten minute guided meditation each day, and since it's on my phone, it's with me anywhere I go, so I can get my meditation on, say, on the bus to work.

My psych has been encouraging me to start on a craft - again, the whole repetitive action thing is supposed to make my brain slow down, as opposed to video games, which I use a lot to dissociate, but don't really do much to help slow my brain down at night. There's more than a few crafts I could get involved in (knitting was the one he recommended), the difficult bit is (a) getting the equipment and (b) getting the enthusiasm to start. But I gotta agree with him, I need a hobby outside of computers - I don't tend to do much outside of work other than hang around with Daddy and play games. Some... versatility in activities would probably do me some good.

Maybe I should start looking on the web for good knitting tutorials. I mean, wool and knitting needles can't be too expensive, right?

1 comment:

  1. Knitting can be as cheap or expensive a hobby as you like. My mum was really into knitting, and she bought expensive wool, and made jumpers that could sell for hundreds of dollars just to cover her costs.

    For you tho, some cheap acrylic wool and plastic knitting needles from vinnies would get you started learning and shouldn't cost you more than $20.

    Good luck.
