Saturday, July 10, 2010


So, for the last few months, my Daddy has been promising his new girl that she would get a pony-ride. In lieu of real ponies, my Daddy decided to improvise, and so last Kinky I became a pony for a little portion of the night.

Now, I should digress here - Me taking people for rides has ended badly before. At a recent birthday party of mine, I decided that I was going to take a friend of mine for a piggy-back ride around the park we were at. As a result of uneven ground, going too damn fast, and forgetting that I'm actually an adult and don't have the same tolerance for injury anymore, I ended up with my arm in a sling for the rest of the party, and then a quick trip to the hospital to show that nothing was broken, just a really bad sprain. It, as well as a few other things, caused quite the epiphany, which I may write about at a later date.

But back the the Pony rides.

So we got there, waited for his new girl to arrive, and then got started on rigging me up (see, Daddy made my pony gear out of rope, because hey, when you got lemons...). We'd decided before that we'd give me some practice by giving another one of our friends a pony ride. On reflection, it might not have been the best choice - she was a whole lot heavier than we'd anticipated, and it tired me out terribly. But still, our friend enjoyed her ride, and then Daddy's Girl got to give me a try. She decided that what she wanted was a fun, fast ride. Daddy, having been there for my last piggy-back malfunction, had warned me in no uncertain terms that a canter was as fast as I was to go. Worse, my severe unfitness meant I could only do a single lap around the club (although quite a few people seemed to enjoy the sudden run!)

So, in all, we learned a few things - firstly, I am really unfit. Need to get to the gym more often than I'm going if I'm going to be doing this more often. Also, I was kinda under the impression that the Pony ride was mostly going to be a standard piggy-back with more bondage, but I was very clearly wrong on that end - having to get the gait going was not what I was expecting. Also, my favourite blue leather pants are not appropriate for that kind of play - they're a bit too constricting. Will have to think about other options for pony play.

Also, I'm dreading the point where we start adding heels to the equation - I mean, I'm not too bad with heels, and I've yet to cause any real damage with myself, but having someone on your back while you're in heels? I'm very worried that I'm going to just fall over and hurt someone - possibly myself!

Daddy says there's going to be more training, I suspect that will start in earnest once we move into our own house. I have a lot of training to do, I suspect, if I'm going to make even a half-way decent pony-boy!

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