Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unrequested Service

The last weekend has been me helping my Daddy move out of his apartment into my share house, and of course I've been the person who has helped through the entire move process. Even if I weren't his boy, I'd drop things to help him out if he asked, but sometimes I go an extra step further.

Yesterday, I had to go back to his place (where I'd parked the car) after dropping off the rental van, and Daddy had asked me to make sure that the vacuum cleaner that his previous housemate had left there got back to her. Well, she wasn't going to be around for an hour or so, as she was out with friends. So, what did I do? I ended up vacuuming around the house. When I got to my Daddy's room, I realised that I couldn't vacuum the room without cleaning it up, so I spent half an hour putting the last bits and pieces in boxes, clearing up the larger pieces of trash into bags. And then I vacuumed the room to perfection.

My Daddy, of course, didn't ask for me to do this. I just went ahead and did it, because I had the time to burn, and, you know, it's vacuuming! It's the one chore in the house that uses a power tool! How can anyone not like vaccuming! But of course, it has the nice benefit that today, when we go back to Daddy's apartment to do the last bits of packing? Daddy won't have to worry about any extra effort - I've predone just about everything he needed to do today. We just have to pick up the last few things.

All just part of the Service!

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