Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well-pleased with myself

The other think that happened at Kinky last week was that I got to have another opportunity of playing with my friend EB. We're both happily switchy sensation sluts, and we both know it. I've played with her a couple of times previously, and even outside of play we're both very huggy people towards each other - Touch is a shared passion for us.

Our main play ritual ends up being pretty simple - She lies down, eyes closed. I then take whatever is in my toybox at the time and use it to make different sensations on her skin. Because my Sensation toykit is not terribly advanced as of yet, I often improvise to come up with as many sensations as I can think of - my blindfold, for example, has both a leather side and a divinely soft fur side, which makes it a brilliant sensation toy in a pinch. Things like plastic wrapped fingers, paintbrushes, hairbrushes, floggers, even hairpins and such get used to good effect. At the end of the session, I take EB through all the toys I used, with her often being amazed at what gets used.

After this session, she told me that when I play with her, it often feels like she's being spoiled, which made me feel very happy - Sensation play is one of the few areas in BDSM where I feel genuinely confident, and for EB to compliment those skills makes me very happy indeed.

Through the night, EB also ended up playing with me as well - first just a few minutes of her lightly scratching her nails down my back, which was brilliant, and then later in the night she and Daddy decided to tag-team me with a pair of Vampire Gloves. It was, by the way, incredibly fun watching Daddy and EB, with two very different sensation styles. EB was almost experimental, going lightly and doing rather unexpected things with her glove, like holding wrists and exerting pressure, while Daddy, knowing my body a lot more, went right for my sensitive spots.

By the by, Vampire gloves are absolutely brilliant, and give the most intense sensations I've had for a while. Daddy has told me that he's ordered a pair, and I'm half-tempted to buy a pair myself, because they are seriously great! Certainly something I want in my sensation kit, that's for sure!

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