Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh. That's Right.

So, last night I'd managed to beg sufficiently for Daddy to let me give the Birdcage a try (it took a couple of days, with Daddy constantly taunting me with it, telling me that I couldn't have it. So mean!). Once again, we hit that awkward problem of me getting aroused by chastity, so once again it took a good 20-30m to actually get the damn thing on!

But once it's on, I have to say it was a lot more comfortable than the CB-6000. While I didn't lube myself to get into it (it was sort of spur-of-the-moment to try), the fact that we actually could get the Birdcage on without problems shows that it's definitely a better fit!

Daddy decided to give me the option of sleeping with it through the night, and I decided that I might as well. Me, in my desire for trying it out, may have forgotten, exactly, the problems of wearing cock cages overnight. My count ended up being woken up about 5 times during the night due to extreme discomfort. I'm relearning some of my old strategies, for example, I found out that I don't actually have to get up to walk around to get everything to settle down. I can just leave the cage out of the covers, and let the cold, cold air do the trick (of course, keeping just the cage out while keeping everything else warm is a difficult trick, but something I'm working on).

Daddy told me to take off the cage before I went to work, so it's now back on my bedroom side table, and I am now getting ready to leave for work, so I might finish this post here.

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