Monday, April 16, 2012

Sometimes you just need a white knight

Daddies are as much for protection as they are about serving.

Yesterday I was out with my family, and I had decided that, instead of them driving me home, I would just take the train home. After I had decided this, of course, I started getting brainshocks, and I realised that I had forgotten to take my medication the previous night. I texted Daddy this, Daddy offered to pick me up from the nearest station.

Then I got into the city, and the trains were in all manner of mess and confusion. After half an hour, I gave up and asked Daddy to pick me up from the city instead, which he happily said he'd do. Alas, there was all manner of construction works and tramworks outside the station (that I'd been unaware of), which meant that he couldn't quite get to the station to pick me up! And seeing as a driver has limited means of communication, there was the inevitable stress of not knowing what's happening where.

But we finally managed, and Daddy picked me up. But the stress of seeing my family, as well as my emotions going haywire after missing my dose, meant that I was a total mess. Daddy decided to treat me to chicken, and he was there as I just broke down.

Sometimes, you forget that the Daddy/boy relationship isn't just one-way. A boy job, yes, is to serve his Daddy, and make his life easier, but a Daddy's job is to take care of his Boy, to be there if he is in trouble, and needs help. Yesterday was a very real reminder that yes, my Daddy does do that job for me, that when I need him, when I can't deal with the world, he's there with a shoulder to cry on, and chicken to form a safe space (it's a long story), because that's what Daddies do.

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