Monday, June 28, 2010

Additional thoughts on Chastity

So, I'm back in the CB-6000 for the next while, and since it's been a while, Me and Daddy decided to do a few things a little differently. As such I have a brand new set of thoughts:

The Stocking Method. As it turns out, it's a really good method for getting a cage on really quickly. For those unaware, the stocking method involves getting a cheap/old stocking, placing the penis in one end, and feeding the other end through the pee slot in the device, then pulling the stocking through the device, effectively shimmying the penis snugly in. You then pull the rest of the stocking out. Easy!

So, the good part is that it takes almost no time at all to get everything in - instead of the standard 10-15 minutes of starting, getting hard, stopping, then another mad dash of shoving penis in until I get hard and have to stop again (which also includes all the pinching and pain of having loose skin everywhere and getting in the way). The stocking method not only pulls it through really quickly with a minimum of fuss, but there's no loose skin around the bottom of the cage, so there's no problems with sudden pinching when you're trying to get the cage and the ring linked together. It's absolutely brilliant.

Foreskin problems. There's just one little problem - it means that my foreskin sticks a little bit out of the device. This is actually really awkward, and a really big problem, for the very good reason is that now I have pinching on the other end of the cage. If I wear underwear, the foreskin pinches between the hard plastic and the underwear, and it's actually really hard to get things rearranged without looking weird about it.

At the moment, I'm working around the problem by not wearing underwear, but this is just a temporary fix at best. I don't think it's going to work as a permanent solution (besides, I like underwear, a lot, almost to fetish levels, and I don't want to have to lose the item of clothing I like the most!).

The other permanent solution would be to get circumcised. Which, honestly, I could go for, and was considering long before this point, so I'd actually be okay with, but Daddy really doesn't want me to at all - he much prefers me to be uncut as I am now. I really like the look of cut cocks, and I'd love to see mine cut, but of course for the moment that's not a solution that can really be implemented very quickly anyway, so for the moment, I really need to find some other options.

Probably a slightly better and less drastic solution would be to just cave in and get The Curve I guess, but then we chose against it for visibility purposes. We didn't actually gauge the real visibility of the Curve, but it may well end up being the better solution in the end, since it's quite likely that I'm actually a little too big for the CB-6000 in general.

I think before I go for any solution I'm going to have to do some talking with other men in chastity and see if anyone has some good solutions to the foreskin problem other than the above. If there's an easy way to fix it, then it seems obvious to try them first, really, before doing something more expensive or more drastic!

An unfortunate absence

You will probably have noticed that I've been gone for the last month or so. The simple answer is that life has frankly completely exploded, and updating this blog was absolutely the last thing on my mind. With all the stress and disaster going on in my life, it's brought my kink life to a total standstill, as me and my Daddy struggle just to keep ourselves safe and sane. Further, moving Daddy out of his apartment into my sharehouse means that he hasn't had a lot of energy to devote to our kink.

Worse, the stress of the last few weeks seems to be pushing me back into old patterns. It's not surprising I guess - when under enough stress, you start turning back to the behaviours that you used to cope with the stress, and of course, the behaviours are still in your head, just waiting to reactivate. But there were good reason for me turning away from those behaviours, as they make me incredibly unhappy, and this just adds further and further to the stress. About the only times where I can feel like the stress isn't there is in the arms of my Daddy, which just makes the periods away from him even harder. I'm hoping that I have the inner strength to wrench myself away from those old patterns again, but it seems so hard this time.

To be honest, despite me not really being in much of a headspace, I miss a lot of our D/s. I have been doing random acts of service to my Daddy, as much as I can, I have been his support as he goes through some very stressful times in his life, but of course, I'm also going through stress, so this is a time where I have needed my Daddy just as much. And he has been there for me so much, I am so glad to have him, and I'm so glad that he is there with me.

And I am torn somewhat, because as much as I would crave more D/s during this time, I know that ultimately, it's not going to be healthy - it would be a way to distract myself from the emotions that I have. My job already gives me enough of that - talking to people for my entire work period means I can just lock away my emotions behind my demeanor on the phone. And it simply doesn't work - I've broken down once from not facing the emotions. Running away from myself by being all-consumed by my Daddy is a wonderful dream, but would be so unhealthy for me that it would tear me apart, and my Daddy would rightly stop me from doing so.

So it seems that I am in something of an unfortunate absence. My D/s duties are lighter than I would like, and yet, I'm concerned that any heavier and I'll destroy myself. I guess the answer is to simply take everything one step at a time, to know that I have permission from the world to slow down and recover, and to not think I'm recovered already. Today, Daddy has promised me another go in my chastity cage, after a very long time without, and I can't wait to see how this goes.