Monday, April 25, 2011

Back in Service

The Broken Elbow has led to a very different last few weeks, where I've been released somewhat from a lot of my duties, owing to the fact that I'm not able to do them. It means that I've been stopped from driving places, I've not been able to do dishes or a great deal of cleaning up the house, etc.

And then, last week, I had my wisdom teeth taken out, and from that point Daddy really was being his Daddy best and taking care of me, while I was out of my gourd stoned on painkillers. It's very hard to be of service to your Daddy when you're completely out of it on codeine, while you're waiting for the holes in your gums to close up.

But finally, today, the sling came off. Six long weeks of being cooped up, of effectively having my wings tied up, and today I was finally able to be free. In celebration of this fact, I have been running around the house like a madman getting the place cleaned up after six weeks of letting the place go a little. Washing is still going through the washing machine, Dishes have been done, my room is getting much, much tidier now, and clothes have been folded and put away.

And, you know, blog posts are being done. That's also a very important duty.

But the biggest and most important this was how happy it's all made me. Being able to run around and do those housework things that belong to me has made me so very, very happy, so much that I've been literally dancing with joy all over the house. I feel like a whole bunch of tension has just been worked out of me, for which I am so very happy for.

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