Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rocking on

A couple of days ago, Daddy's girlfriend broke up with him.

There are times where Daddy takes care of me, and there are times, like this, when I need to take care of him. It's part of the D/s relationship that not a lot of people get to see, but the fact is, part of my role as my Daddy's boy is to take care of him.

No, actually, I take that back. It's not part of my role as a boy, but part of my role as a partner. Even if we weren't in the relationship we were in, I'd still consider it vital to take care of Daddy doing times of sadness and trauma. But people forget that, sometimes, in a D/s relationship. That sometimes, the greatest service you can give is just to be there, with hugs and pats, to be willing to sit there and help your partner talk through the mess of emotions, and make sense of what the hell just happened.

And it's a service I willingly, and happily, give.

My Daddy, when talking to me last night, said how grateful he was at how stable and secure I was. That he'd never felt secure before, and that I was the one who kept him that way. I was his rock, something he could hold on to when the rest of the world changed and shifted.

It was one of the greatest compliments I've ever received. So I'll keep rocking on for my Daddy. I like being a rock.

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