Sunday, September 30, 2012


Anyone who has seen me in real life has probably noticed that I'm constantly wearing blue, and anyone who has met me at a club has probably been introduced to my toybag full of blue toys. It's almost my calling card in the scene, and I have quite a few people who keep me abreast of new developments in blue bondage equipment and the like. Even my Daddy's hair is blue, although contrary to popular opinion, I had nothing to do with that one!

There's a reason I dress so heavily in blue, and why it's such a major part of my life - It's because I chose it.

Back when I was starting at University, I wanted to find a way of standing out, of having a motif that was definitively me. A colour seemed simple enough, and at the time my favourite colour was blue. So, I started to insist that my wardrobe move further and further to the blue spectrum. As years went on and on, I kept reinforcing this choice with everything I bought, until eventually my choice became an obsession, almost a fetish.

Nowadays, the colour blue almost literally compels me. When I'm looking around shops, anything in bright blues immediately gets my attention. It's so well known among my friends and acquaintances that any time they see a blue item they tell me about it next time they see me! It's become a major part of my life, enough that I'd probably have trouble changing it even if I wanted to.

And to be honest, I don't really want to. It's actually quite comforting, to have blue in my life all the time. It helps to know that pretty much everything in my wardrobe matches, even if it can be hard and a little expensive to find Leather in blue. But it's nice to have something I'm known for in the scene, even if it is a blue fetish. Also, it makes things a little easier for my friends when they try to buy things for me - they know I'll be happy with something if it's blue!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

An Inspiration.

Last night, my Daddy performed at the Quippings event.

I don't think Daddy realises how powerful he is on stage. When he's performing, up on stage, at the centre of attention, he gets this focus which is incredibly attractive. Even when I know he hasn't rehearsed, he sounds practiced, calm, in control. I know this isn't how he feels about it - he's always anxious about performing. But somehow, when the show starts, it's all locked away, and us on the outside see nothing but his greatness.

And despite how much he worries about it, he's a great writer. He has that amazing ability to express his feelings and emotions with the simplest words, and still make it sound deep and passionate. He writes like he speaks, which is always great for Spoken Word performances, and makes his performance that much more easy to follow.

To be honest, I don't think I'm ever as proud of my Daddy as when he's on stage, aura ablaze, wowing the crowd with his words. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, considering how many other people keep wanting him to perform for them.

And I'm really more than proud, to be honest - It's genuinely inspiring. Words are my creative fount - Speaking and Writing are where I make my money, and it's something that I know I've always been good at. More recently, I've had the hardest time trying to bring fingers to keyboard and start being creative again, not just with this blog but with fiction in general, just trying to stretch my creative muscles again. However, after last night? The words are flowing, as you can see here. I'm writing enough that I'm actually queueing posts so they don't all come through in one fell swoop. I think I might actually have the passion right now to really start writing and not looking back.

I guess we'll see how many days in a row I can keep typing...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm starting to notice a pattern...

It seems that every year, around this time, I stop updating this blog for like, a couple of months at least.

So, yes, I've not been updating for a while. Time to get back on the horse, I think. More posts to follow shortly...