Saturday, September 29, 2012

An Inspiration.

Last night, my Daddy performed at the Quippings event.

I don't think Daddy realises how powerful he is on stage. When he's performing, up on stage, at the centre of attention, he gets this focus which is incredibly attractive. Even when I know he hasn't rehearsed, he sounds practiced, calm, in control. I know this isn't how he feels about it - he's always anxious about performing. But somehow, when the show starts, it's all locked away, and us on the outside see nothing but his greatness.

And despite how much he worries about it, he's a great writer. He has that amazing ability to express his feelings and emotions with the simplest words, and still make it sound deep and passionate. He writes like he speaks, which is always great for Spoken Word performances, and makes his performance that much more easy to follow.

To be honest, I don't think I'm ever as proud of my Daddy as when he's on stage, aura ablaze, wowing the crowd with his words. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, considering how many other people keep wanting him to perform for them.

And I'm really more than proud, to be honest - It's genuinely inspiring. Words are my creative fount - Speaking and Writing are where I make my money, and it's something that I know I've always been good at. More recently, I've had the hardest time trying to bring fingers to keyboard and start being creative again, not just with this blog but with fiction in general, just trying to stretch my creative muscles again. However, after last night? The words are flowing, as you can see here. I'm writing enough that I'm actually queueing posts so they don't all come through in one fell swoop. I think I might actually have the passion right now to really start writing and not looking back.

I guess we'll see how many days in a row I can keep typing...

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