Monday, December 7, 2009

A Pretty Metal Ring around a Pretty Boy's Neck

This weekend was a very special weekend for me.

This weekend I went through with a very special, powerful decision - the decision to commit to a D/s relationship with my Daddy. We symbolised this decision the way many D/s couples do - by my Daddy placing a collar around my neck, and locking it tight with a lock, with our friends in kink watching.

It was a really beautiful ceremony. We had decided that we wanted a ritual, because rituals focus both of our minds, but during our planning, we came to the realisation that we wanted the ritual to come from our hearts, so we ad-libbed the ceremony. The actual words weren't important anyway - but the thoughts behind those words, the crystalised feelings and emotions, those were what came out.

So we made promises to each other. That my Daddy would raise me high, would help me to become whatever boy I was, to aspire to whatever I chose to become. In turn, I promised that I would not give up who I was for him - That I would be me, forever and now.

I promised that I would serve him as his boy, that I would obey him as he required - but I also promised to disobey him if a choice would make me into something I was not.

We promised that the collar around my neck was not for all time - it was purely for as long as we felt it was right. That if this new phase in our relationship ended, that we would accept that, and move into whatever new phase would begin.

In short, we promised everything we could in good conscience promise each other - to be who we are, to support the other in whatever form that would take, for as long as we had together, right now.

I write all this now, and it fills me with emotion. Me being me, of course, I find it hard to tell you which emotion I'm being filled with. But I think it's a few things.

I think it's pride. I think it's terror. I think it's love. I think it's power. I think it's worry, I think it's that genuine, honest to god emotional movement. I feel something, and it's probably a whole lot of things, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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