Monday, February 28, 2011

Being a Roadie

Me and Daddy have often joked that my role in our relationship often seems to be Roadie - the person who carries all the equipment, who helps clean up and set up, etc.

But, between you and I, reader, this is a role that I cherish.

For without me, Daddy would not get to play with his rope with nearly as many people, for nearly as long. Me assisting in coiling his rope, me helping lug rope and other things to events, me helping hold and hoist people as needed... It's not that my Daddy couldn't do without my aid. But he certainly wouldn't be able to do as much without me.

And that's what a Boy is supposed to do - I'm supposed to use my skills and talents to assist my Daddy to be the best Daddy he can be. The Daddy/Boy relationship is a two-way street. And while sometimes, I feel like I take a lot from my Daddy in terms of emotional needs (and hell, the whole training me to be less shit at life thing), it can be easy to forget that I serve him in any number of other needs as well.

But that's what I do, and I do it well, and with love.

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