Sunday, February 13, 2011

Flying High

So, me and Daddy went to Chains for the first time in a while. We'd been lured there by the promise of free entry, and with promises of a suspension frame, we decided why not?

I'm so glad we did, because I got to do something with Daddy that we haven't done together in literally years - I got to be suspended!

And well you may be asking - how could it be that the boy of a suspension top, probably one of the better known in Melbourne, hadn't been suspended in so long? Well, to be honest, a lot of it was just being at the bottom of the queue. Daddy gets requests from a lot of people to be suspended at events, and because we don't have a suspension frame at home, the only place we can do suspensions are at events. So, there just haven't been a lot of opportunities to do suspensions. Also, to be honest, I'm not a spectacularly impressive bottom, being such a pansy - I can't often stay up in the air for particularly long.

But last night, we'd made the spot-decision to rock up, Daddy had nothing on his plate, we had a suspension frame that hadn't had a suspension yet, Daddy had plans and ideas he wanted to experiment with, and we were both ready and rearing for play. Everything aligned just right.

So Daddy decided to experiment with a sort of side-suspension, with my left arm and leg tied together, and my right arm and leg kept straight. It kindof felt like I was superman, and it wasn't just my blue leather pants and red rope that had me feeling that way! It's been so long since I was suspended, I'd forgotten how wonderful that feeling of being off the ground feels like. I'd been craving it for so long! I only wish the frame was larger - I would have loved to have been really spun around with some inertia, like an airplane on a string. I think that would have been absolutely sensation, if, admittedly, a little nauseating.

Now that I think about it, I may be longing for the feeling I remember from riding on swings in the playground when I was young - the feeling of gravity and momentum fighting you, and you feeling every shift in direction. With the location we had, that kind of thing could be been dangerous, but it'd still be fun to try it someday, I think!

After the suspension, Daddy and I played together with some ropework, while talking to a few newbies. First, just a simple decorative tie, and then I got to have some fun when Daddy decided to practice blindfolded ropework. I'll admit, I greatly enjoy when Daddy decides to do blind ropework, and a lot of that is because Daddy has to touch me a lot more when he doesn't have his eyes to guide him. A lot of people are really impressed and amazed at the work Daddy does blindfolded, and I'm honestly not surprised - he does really good work just by touch alone. I look forward to being his practice bunny a bit more!

In all, it was a wonderful night. We've often complained that we don't always get a lot of play together, and I've always loved playing in public (it's the exhibitionist in me - I love being shown off!), and last night really hit the spot, right in the bullseye. I really hope this is the beginning of a trend, because I want to do a lot more play like that!

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