Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goin' on a date...

I wrote quite recently that I was kinda-courting a new boy. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge and ask him out, with Daddy and his best friend both sitting there being my cheerleaders (and I'm not kidding - there were literally there going "Rah rah rah!" at me, and insisting that I tell them the instant he responded back. I had honestly intended to ask him out in person, but it was getting nearly impossible to get alone time with him, so a text message had to do.

I'm not going to tell you exactly how he replied to that message, but in completely related news I'm going out on a date with him this Friday after work. I'm going to be almost useless at work the day after, but I have confidence that it's going to be absolutely worth it!

I'll admit, I've been quite excited planning and plotting this date, since I almost never go out on dates myself. Figuring out what we'll do, where we'll do it... So many options! So little time to decide. I'd tell you my plans, dear readers, but I happen to know that he's following this blog now, and I'm planning this to be a surprise for him!

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