Saturday, October 23, 2010

Too much Service

Sometimes, determination can be silly.

I have this trait, which I'm sure a lot of people have, where I don't tend to listen to my body. I just keep going and going until I'm thoroughly exhausted, rather than pacing myself to get more done.

I talk about this today because I've been working myself silly getting the house clean. I'm having guests over for a party, and those guests include my parents, so of course I'm going crazy trying to make sure the house looks presentable. Since me and Daddy have moved in, we've been slowing working at unpacking everything but it's been slow work, since Daddy's been sick, and I work full-time. So, my plan was to get everything done this weekend and really turn the house into a sparkling place of clean.

Now, I've been working for the past couple of days, trying to get everything done, but there's just too much work. Not letting that get to me, I'm still trying to get everything done, with less and less energy.

This is silly. I'm trying to sprint a marathon!

So, Daddy is going to put me to bed a little early tonight, so I can rest and get everything else done tomorrow. This is important, and it's a lesson I still have to work at learning - I can't serve my Daddy if I've driven myself into the ground with exhaustion. I just can't do everything I want, sometimes I have to decide which services are the important ones.

I'm sure I'll figure out that properly at some point, and on that day Daddy won't have to yell at me to stop for god's sake, and take a rest, even though there's still so much to do.

Of course, I keep saying that. But there's always so much to do!

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