Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Schedules and Slack

In the last few weeks, me and Daddy have been moving. As in all very stressful, big changes to life, it's kinda thrown things into chaos. During the move, and the time previous, Daddy, in his wisdom, has been cutting me a little slack with a lot of my daily rituals.

After a couple of weeks of this, I am firmly convinced that this is a poor move.

I have been noticing that I'm most definitely at my best with structure. As much I may rail against, as much as I might complain about it, the simple fact of the matter is that I am a much better person when I have external support. Without it, I fall back to slobbish behaviour.

I have noticed this most with my gym routine. My Daddy has been supporting my gym routine by insisting in a schedule - that I go to Gym three times a week on specific days of the week. Now, during the move, I could probably have still gone to gym, but without Daddy enforcing it, it of course fell by the wayside. Of course, there still isn't a great deal of enforcement from Daddy, so there's not a lot of consequences for missing a session.

And this has gone for a lot of other chores. For example, We set up a schedule for me to do dishes each night I've not gone to the gym, and as of yet, I still have not me that schedule once. There's nothing stopping me from getting this done, of course - were it be made a priority, I could easily get it done whenever (hell, I could do it in the morning even). But the schedule doesn't get enforced, and as of yet, the dishes still do not get done regularly.

Me and Daddy have talked a little about this, and really, it goes down to separate life paths - Daddy thrives on flexibility, and his natural impulse is to be flexible if doing something may cause inconvenience or problems. Chaos is something he embraces, and rigid order is something that is very uncomfortable for him. But if my routines aren't rigid, and I can make excuses to get out of something, I inevitably will. And if there are no consequences for wiggling out, I will continue to wiggle out.

So really, this is just a cry out for some consequence for failing, which I've felt has kinda been in short supply. I mean, I love being spoiled as a boy, but I feel like I'm not reaching the heights I'm capable of. In my job, my everything is measured, and everything is structured, and I go great! As a boy? Sometimes I feel I lack that structure.

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