Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fantasy Boy for January, 2010

As I wrote a little earlier in the month, I am trying to improve my ability to communicate with my Daddy, especially when it comes to things I want sexually and BDSM-wise. It's something that is a sticking point between us - Daddy can't really push me into the directions I want unless I can communicate where I want to go. So, each month, I'm promising to write in this blog three fantasies of mine. This month I am making an effort to put down fantasies that may possibly have some basis in reality, that are at least semi-connected to reality (as many of mine are not).

Genital Suspension
One image which comes up a lot in my head is the idea of being suspended from my genitals. Daddy ties up my cock (like he has often done), then he hooks me up to a suspension point. At which point he hoists me up. In the most erotic fantasies, my cock is the only attachment - there's no other support holding me up. It would be even more incredible if it was done in public, but that's probably because most of my suspension experience has been in public.

This fantasy is really hot for me for several reasons - firstly it combines two things that I love - CBT and Suspension. Secondly, it's a whole lot more hardcore than anything I have tried to date - most of my CBT experience is sadly very low-level, and I would like to try to do CBT experiences that are much more intense.

Cage Transit
A fantasy that's come up fairly recently is one where I am placed in a cage (preferable naked). That cage is then loaded into a truck, or a van, or some other vehicle where I'm not able to see where I'm going. There's a number of other cages in the van, full of other people, whom I don't know. No one in the truck knows where we are going, but the trip is very long. There are often stops along the way, but we are never allowed out. Possibly even on one occaision, the truck stops, and the cages are taken out of the cage into a loading bay, to be loaded into another truck for the next leg of the trip. This goes on until we are at our apparent destination.

Why do I find this fantasy hot? The obvious one is the sheer amount of dehumanisation in this fantasy - the people in the cage (including me), are treated as nothing more than cargo, animal cargo at the very best. There's an element of fear play as well - noone knows what's going to happen to us at the end of the trip.

Mental Programming
In this fantasy, my Daddy (or some other Domly figure), puts me through an extended hypnotic reprogramming, in order to make me an unwitting submissive slut. My Daddy keeps a codeword that, when he uses it, forces me to stop whatever I am doing, and listen only to him. Whatever he says next, I must follow to the best of my ability. He has other codewords, that he can use to make me generally horny, or that he can use to remove any fear or anxiety from my mind, so he may experiment on me at will. These codewords also have the benefit that I feel entirely happy when he uses them on me - I begin to look forward to him using these codewords on me, to him replacing my will with his own.

Why I find this fantasy hot is pretty obvious - it's a no-mental-effort way of me becoming "the perfect subby". It's such a very neat way for me to avoid dealing with all my issues, and even dealing with my life in general, and letting someone else deal with it instead. It's the perfect way of making someone else give me what I want, and hey, it's my fantasy, I can be selfish if I want. :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Boy on Sickness and Servitude

I'm guessing that at some point, I'm going to have to ditch the gimmick of everyone one of my posts having "boy" in the title, because this one feels so very artificial, but I digress.

A couple of days ago, after work, I went with my Daddy to visit a bunch of friends, and we ended up having to leave early, because I was incredibly exhausted, more than I would ever be usually from work. My Daddy eventually pointed out the exceedingly obvious - that I was sick, probably with a flu/cold.

I am not good with being sick. In fact, I typically feel extremely guilty and worthless when I'm sick. A lot of this is very mundane issues: I have terrible difficulties slowing down, because much of my way of coping with my life is by filling it up with so much stuff that I don't have to think about it at all. Always constantly moving forward so I never have to look around where I am, so to speak.

And this guilt gets especially compounded when it's added to my BDSM life. When I'm sick, what duties I have have to fall by the wayside - I can't do things like clean my Daddy's place, or make sure that things like blog posts are done on time. In these circumstances, I have to take leave of those duties and focus on getting better, and this feels so wrong on so many levels. I keep feeling like I should do things, even though I know that I don't really have the energy to faff around with things. I feel like when I'm sick, I can't even begin to fulfil my duties as my Daddy's Boy, and even though I have permission to be sick (Not like I could help it even if I didn't), I still feel like my being sick a big imposition on my Daddy. Now I not only can't help him do things, but he has to look after me! That's not right at all! Even though, of course, that's exactly the sort of relationship I wanted when I accepted his collar.

In short, My brain is stupid, and I dislike being sick.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Boys Follow Orders

So, at the moment, my Daddy is still half asleep in bed. He did not have a good night's sleep last night, a combination of myself sleeping in his bed because of a rather stressful and tiring day yesterday, and the heat from the heatwave at the moment. Now, Daddy doesn't often sleep well at the best of times, so having all this as well? Terrible sleep.

When I stay over at my Daddy's place on the weekend, one of my jobs is to make sure that my Daddy is awake by a certain time. As I never have any problems falling asleep when I want to, I always get up before my Daddy does. So, I typically spend my mornings doing my own thing (sometimes that's cleaning, sometimes it's blog-writing, sometimes it's just catching up on internet-stuff), and then head into my Daddy's room and wake him up with cuddles and kisses. It gives me a morning task to do, and my Daddy gets to wake up in a generally pleasant way, and he also gets to ensure that his sleep hygiene is kept well and good.

So, as I know all these reasons, I tend to try and make sure my Daddy stays awake after I've woken him up. I care about my Daddy and don't want him to destroy his sleep cycle more than it has currently. But on days like this, when my Daddy is extremely tired, and needs his sleep, how do I best take care of my Daddy? Obeying an order to keep him awake, clearly deprives him of much-needed sleep, but letting him sleep is going to make further sleep that much harder later on. My Daddy has said, in the half-sleep that he was in before I started writing this up, that he didn't want me to wake him up again. But is that actually what he wants? I follow his last order because I don't feel that I should go against him, but when my Daddy gives orders now that conflict with long-standing orders, and the order I follow can affect his health, how do I decide?

This, I suspect, is something that I'm going to have to talk to my Daddy about. Once, of course, he wakes up.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boy on a Wire

I've always been curious about Electrical Play. I was the kind of kid who would touch electric fences on a dare, who would find static electricity fun to play with, and was always fascinated with plasma balls. So when I discovered that there was kinky devices that used electricity, I was very, very curious. I have previously played with other electrical devices at kinky events, but I've never had that brilliant an experience with them. I've enjoyed the experience, don't get me wrong, and I'm glad that I've had them, but I've never found the experience to be what I was expecting at all.

That all changed last night. Yesterday, my Daddy received a TENS unit in the mail, that we'd gotten extremely cheap, and we spent a whole bunch of last night exploring myself with it, which felt extremely self-indulgent, since daddy didn't ask for much in return afterwards.

First he pampered me by using the TENS unit for it's advertised purpose - to relax my neck, and my back. And yes, it works beautifully - It's like an automated massage, and pretty much blissed me out for a while, at least an hour or so, I recall, but admittedly, my sense of time was kinda lost for a while.

Then Daddy decided to be cruel with it. Apparently he felt a little like a Mad Scientist, putting electrodes to wherever he fancied, and then jacking up the power. I had my first taste of genital TENS play (We'd played with another TENS unit before, but because the electrodes weren't ours, we didn't do any genital play). Let me just say, off the top of the bat: Wow. With the electrodes we had, I didn't get the feeling of being stroked or anything, but the sensation I did get was quite incredible. The electrical impulses seemed to go right through my entire cock. And while sounding has always squicked me out entirely, I think I now have an appreciation for why people would do it - I could feel my urethra being stimulated by the TENS unit during the play, and it was bloody brilliant.

We played in a few other places, as well, but the experiences of the rest kinda merged into one in my memory. I remember us playing with the electrodes on my hand, and watching my fingers move in time with the TENS unit (which was kinda hot, honestly - Kinky Puppetry!), And I remember how obscenely intense those electrodes are on my inner thigh (unsurprising, really, considering how sensitive that area is anyway). I also remember us using it on the soles of my feet. That was a lot of fun, honestly, it was kinda like being tickled (which I always like, even if I struggle against it. If I didn't struggle against it I don't think Daddy would enjoy tickling me nearly as much!).

It's a lot of good, honest fun, and I'm looking forward to a few more sessions with the TENS. Also, the TENS just makes want to start waxing myself again. You want to make sure you've got good contact for the electrodes! Perhaps I should save up for another waxing session...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Don't Touch The Boy

So, one of my big kinks is orgasm control and denial. When I was younger, on those nights along in the house I would have at least hour-long masturbation sessions, because the lead up to orgasm was always so much more fun to me than the climax. Even these days, I often feel a little let down once I orgasm if I'm on my own - At that point, I know the fun is over.

So, when we play, there's almost always an element of teasing, often for quite some time, before I'm allowed to come. I like long sessions, I have no shame in this at all, because once I've come, the physical fun's over for me for at least a while (and while I enjoy being around. And it's also a matter of self-control - even though I know that I love the extended fun, the pressure to get to the finish is always intense, and that battle of wills with myself is always a fun one.

And even from the start of our relationship, I have always asked my Daddy if I may come, as a matter of course. My daddy having control over my sexual activities is a massive turn on. Which, admittedly, can be a problem when it comes to orgasm denial. Or, as my daddy points out, just adds to the fun.

About six months ago, we decided to go for an extended session of denial - around about a month in total. It started going out for a week, then we extended it a bit longer, then we just kept going. Constant teasing the entire time, of course, and with me pleasing my daddy in the meantime. It was absolutely brilliant. By the end of the month, I had become so damn randy that when we went to our favourite bdsm club, I was salivating over literally every damn person in that house. It was apparently quite amusing to my Daddy!

The reason, of course, as to why I make this post is because we've decided to go for another session of extended denial, that started last Sunday. We haven't talked about any particular milestone for this session, although we made jokes about going through all the way to next New Years. Which is simultaneously awesome and terrifying. Add to this the fact that we have been looking at possibly locking me up in a cock cage (something like this, perhaps), which would add to the fun even more! The idea of putting my cock under my daddy's control so totally that he has the key... it's a beautiful dream. I can't wait until we have the money to buy something like this, it's one of my biggest fantasies.

And of course, while I write this, my Daddy is sitting right on top of me, with his crotch right in my face, constantly teasing me. I might have to stop right here. I think he wants something from me...

Boy Get Pride

It has come to my Daddy's attention that most of the posts that I make here are made on challenging things - on things that I don't feel I do very well. In this post, he has asked me to combat this, and write a post on something that I feel I do well. This has taken me some time, and I've had to look at myself with less critical eyes, but I found one thing that I've been doing very well at, and that is getting along with people.

Since I was a kid I've had a general dislike for conflict, in any form, and so for most of my life I have worked out strategies and skills which help me defuse conflicts before they happen. It's a very useful skill in a lot of places in life, and since my new job (which is a call centre job), I've been realising more and more how well I'm built to be a social defuser.

Part of me wonders if this skill is part of my submissive orientation, because a lot of my skills involves twisting my own desires around to meet the desires of others around me (in effect, trying to resolve conflict by making sure that at least the other person has what they want. Certainly, it makes me a rather natural service submissive, happy to do whatever my dom/daddy desires me to do. I actually take a great pride in this ability, even if it sometimes causes me angst. I like being easygoing, I like being able to bring arguments to reasonable conclusions, and I like that I can make friends very easily by helping them be at ease. I think all these are good assets, for me as well as my daddy.