Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boy on a Wire

I've always been curious about Electrical Play. I was the kind of kid who would touch electric fences on a dare, who would find static electricity fun to play with, and was always fascinated with plasma balls. So when I discovered that there was kinky devices that used electricity, I was very, very curious. I have previously played with other electrical devices at kinky events, but I've never had that brilliant an experience with them. I've enjoyed the experience, don't get me wrong, and I'm glad that I've had them, but I've never found the experience to be what I was expecting at all.

That all changed last night. Yesterday, my Daddy received a TENS unit in the mail, that we'd gotten extremely cheap, and we spent a whole bunch of last night exploring myself with it, which felt extremely self-indulgent, since daddy didn't ask for much in return afterwards.

First he pampered me by using the TENS unit for it's advertised purpose - to relax my neck, and my back. And yes, it works beautifully - It's like an automated massage, and pretty much blissed me out for a while, at least an hour or so, I recall, but admittedly, my sense of time was kinda lost for a while.

Then Daddy decided to be cruel with it. Apparently he felt a little like a Mad Scientist, putting electrodes to wherever he fancied, and then jacking up the power. I had my first taste of genital TENS play (We'd played with another TENS unit before, but because the electrodes weren't ours, we didn't do any genital play). Let me just say, off the top of the bat: Wow. With the electrodes we had, I didn't get the feeling of being stroked or anything, but the sensation I did get was quite incredible. The electrical impulses seemed to go right through my entire cock. And while sounding has always squicked me out entirely, I think I now have an appreciation for why people would do it - I could feel my urethra being stimulated by the TENS unit during the play, and it was bloody brilliant.

We played in a few other places, as well, but the experiences of the rest kinda merged into one in my memory. I remember us playing with the electrodes on my hand, and watching my fingers move in time with the TENS unit (which was kinda hot, honestly - Kinky Puppetry!), And I remember how obscenely intense those electrodes are on my inner thigh (unsurprising, really, considering how sensitive that area is anyway). I also remember us using it on the soles of my feet. That was a lot of fun, honestly, it was kinda like being tickled (which I always like, even if I struggle against it. If I didn't struggle against it I don't think Daddy would enjoy tickling me nearly as much!).

It's a lot of good, honest fun, and I'm looking forward to a few more sessions with the TENS. Also, the TENS just makes want to start waxing myself again. You want to make sure you've got good contact for the electrodes! Perhaps I should save up for another waxing session...

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