Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fantasy Boy for May, 2010

This week has been a rather quiet one on the kinky front. Me and my Daddy continue to trundle along, so there's not a great deal to report this week, and my experiments in chastity have been put on hold for a while as I recover from the Sickness That Refuses To Die.

So, with no news, I give my dear readers another look into my Various fantasies.

Cage living
As me and Daddy have talked about the various logistics of moving in together, it's brought back to mind going back to sleeping in the cage again. The fantasies around this are pretty simplistic, but adding it to moving in together just adds to it. In my little fantasy world, I see that my bedroom becomes my Cageroom, and I don't really have a bed anymore (my bed becomes the guest bed, or possibly my Daddy's bed - either way, it stops being my general sleeping locale). To be frank, I really, really loved sleeping in the cage, even if it was uncomfortable and hard and cold, and I often woke up during the night, needing to stretch out my knees because they had started to cramp. Sleeping in the cage made me feel more at home than any other protocol that we had set up.

Due to various reasons, I stopped sleeping in the cage, but I still miss it deeply. If it was going to be my sole sleeping accomodation, I'd probably sit down and made some more comfortable bedding for the inside of the cage, because hard steel floors are probably not brilliant for my body, but I can't wait until sleeping in the cage becomes a reality once more.

Being a canvas
I have rather high exhibitionist tendencies. I like being the centre of attention, I like being noticed, and this goes beyond BDSM. It's among the many reasons why I love playing in public with my Daddy - because he gets to show off his skills, and I get to have the fun of being the centre of those skills for a while. I also often have this big desire to be part of the creative process. It's one of the reasons I tend to feel a little odd when I'm watching people I know be really creative - there's a level of jealousy watching people create because that's never been my forte - I don't create things from scratch, I take what others have made and either duplicate or elaborate. Where my Daddy can take components in the kitchen and figure out how to make something new that will taste delicious, I look at what I have, and figure out how to make stuff I already know from what's left over (I'm very much a packet cooker in the kitchen, I rarely make things all the way from scratch).

So, the idea of being a model, or otherwise being within the creation process makes me feel like I'm in the part of the creative process that I desperately want to be part of, but never seem to be able to get myself into. Not just for my Daddy's rope-work, although that's something I do wish we did more often. Also things like being the canvas for body art, or being a model for photography, even if, frankly, I suck at modelling (too much of an exhibitionist, in this case, I can't act natural in front of a camera).

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