Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Inklings: Trollin'

There's this common perception of dom/sub relationships. That the sub is this meek, little person, who is overshadowed and cowed by the very presence of their dom, that the sub would never say a bad word about the dom ever, lest they be taken right down the dungeon and beaten to within an inch of their life for insubordination. That the dom is this serious, intense person, never taking guff from noone, perfectly in control of their entire life, including the very thoughts of their sub.

Beautiful fantasy. Not even close to me and Daddy's relationship. Our relationship is a much sassier one than that. We're constantly calling each other out, trolling each other wherever we can, waiting for that wonderful moment when we break the other's composure.

An example. I have this... thing about moustaches. It's based around my Father, as he's worn a moustache for most of his life, and Daddy wearing a moustache would take me uncomfortably close to dating my Father. So, of course, Daddy treats this as the perfect way to inflict mental anguish on me. When he puts on his cosplay outfit (with fake facial hair), the first thing he does is put the mo on, just so he can kiss me with it. He's taken to leaving fake moustaches on my pillow. And, according to him, he's hidden a magnetic one somewhere in my room. So it can watch me, at night.

It can be a little harder to get to Daddy, seeing as he's played this game a lot longer than I have. But I have my ways. My favourite way to get at him is Puns. He hates them, entirely. So, when I come up with a good one, I have to bring it out. And I make him show me any puns he sees. Alas, Puns take a lot of creative effort, and I rarely have good ones, but an even better one is food. I have strange tastes in food. Apparently I do crumpets all wrong, smothering them with peanut butter, or vegemite and cheese. So, whenever I'm eating something I know he objects to, I make sure to tell him, the whole time I'm eating it. Gold.

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