Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 15: Curiousities

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 15: Post a BDSM/kink activity you’re curious about and would like to try.

You know, I had to look up my BDSM checklist to find something to write about here - I'm a bit surprised at how diverse my experiences have been in BDSM to date (to be fair, a lot of that experience has been the tiniest of little tasters, but still, I've done a lot more than I think I have!)

But I realised that there is one thing that I am quite curious about, and would love to try - vacuum beds. I've occasionally seen them in use, but never been able to have a go at them, mainly because they are a serious trigger for Daddy. But they excite me, more than a little. The chance to be completely encased, completely immobile, completely vulnerable? To be honest, it's sort of the very epitome of why I like to be bound up - you get to feel the bed all over you, no part of your body goes untouched, and you get to push against something that's not going to give, even a little.

It's a really exciting idea for me, one I really want to try. Alas, it's going to have to be one of those activities that I'll have to arrange with someone else - there's no way Daddy would be there with me to do it, and I'd never ask for him to do it anyway. It goes back to what I was talking about yesterday - Real BDSM is making accomodations for your partner, and realising that somethings you're just never going to do with them. But, you know, you keep your ears open, watch out for the opportunities. It may very well happen someday!

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