Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18: Pet Peeves

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 18: Any kinky/BDSM pet peeves? If so, what are they?

Not many, honestly. I think the peeves that I generally have with the kink community are the same peeves I have with humanity in general. Like, for example, the general ageism of the populace, and how younger kinksters never seem to get a lot of respect (particularly bad for the young-but-experienced doms like Daddy, but also bad for young subbies whom everyone thinks are easy marks).

I mean, I could get peeved with the silly little protocols, like Capitalisation for Doms online, but honestly, I just can't summon the rage. I don't even really have that rage of "WHY!? WHY ARE KINKSTERS JUST AS BAD AS THE REST OF HUMANITY?!?!", because honestly, that's just assumed these days for me. Pretty much ever community has bad people in it, the real hallmark of a community is how it treats those bad people. I'm not going to say that the kink community is any worse at this than other groups I've been in, but that does still mean there's a lot of improvement needed. But that's politics for you.

About the only peeve I really have is the constant language wars about the right terms and the constant attacks on other people's languages. But again, that's nothing specific to the BDSM scene - Language wars happen pretty much everywhere on the internet, and really, it's just going to continue to happen, so long as people invest the energy they do into their language as identity. I could rage about it, but it'd be kinda pointless.

I guess tonight I'm just not feeling the rage. I'm sure there has been huge pet peeves in the pasts, maybe even into the present, but I just can't summon them up tonight.

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