Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 23: Change of Perspectives

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 23: Since you first developed an interest in kink, have your interests/perspectives changed? How so?

I'm not exactly sure whether my actual interests have changed, or whether I just have a better grasp of what they are, but the sorts of thing that I'm looking for have certainly narrowed somewhat. I used to love the idea of being a pain slut, but of course, after actually realising how much of a pansy I am, that idea's kinda out. There are a few other types of play that I'm no longer interested in after trying them for a bit - I've not had any particularly great experiences with violet wands, for example.

I've also really dropped down on my desire for roleplaying fantasies, which I know makes Daddy a bit sad. It's not even an active dislike for roleplaying, it's just, well, a general ennui for it. I dunno, I remember I used to roleplay at other times, but these days it's just not part of my libido, really.

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