Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 20: Incomprehension

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 20: Talk about something within kink/bdsm that you’re curious about/don’t understand.

This one's a really hard one.

See, I have this... thing about understanding. I mean, I know, on a conscious level, that I don't actually understand everything, and that such a concept is ludicrous and possibly even slightly dangerous. But comprehension comes very naturally to me, a gift that has helped through much of my academic life, and helps me to navigate this very strange world I find myself in. The comprehension I have is never deep, but even a shallow understanding of something is often enough to make it less scary, and I wield knowledge like a little boy, scared of the dark, wields his flashlight.

So to write about something I don't understand would be a serious admission for me, a serious admission that there is something in this world that I do not understand, not even a little bit, not even at all. And that's a singularly terrifying thought.

But is there something in Kink that I don't understand? I guess there are some types of roleplay that I don't really get the appeal of personally, although I still rationally can come up with reasons why someone else would (Schoolroom scenes, for example, are decidedly unsexy for me). I don't really get the appeal of Scat play at all, and as noted previously, Pain isn't for me at all.

But do I really not understand these things? I can get why other people participate in them, even if I don't agree with those reasons. I dunno. Maybe I'm just that averse to honestly admitting that I don't know things. Either way, this is an... awkward question to ask!

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