Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 29: My Title

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 29: Do you have a BDSM title (e.g. mistress, master, slut, pig, whore, princess, goddess, ma’am, sir)? What is your opinion of the use of titles in general?

As you might have noticed from the name of the blog, I am a Boy. Currently, though, I don't have this as my title outside me and Daddy.

The reasons for this are alas not terribly complex - it's mostly just because I'm not a terribly big fan of being addressed by title, something I share with my Daddy. A lot of it is just practical - I often have a hard enough time realising I'm being called when it's my real name being called out! Being referred to as "boy" would just confuse me even more, and I almost certainly wouldn't be giving the caller due attention.

Another part is ideological as well, I guess - In my interactions with the world, I don't feel much of a need to be addressed by formal titles, because I'm not a very formal person generally. When I call call centres, I'm happy for them to use my first name. My job is at least partially customer service, so when I'm being served I feel a kinship with the people I'm talking to - for someone to call me "sir" in that situation would alienate me a whole lot, and I'm not comfortable with that.

I don't have an issue with addressing other people by title, by the way. I am happy to address people by however they wish to be addressed. But it's worth noting that, again, if people ask to be addressed by a title rather than their name, it makes it much harder for me to make any real connection with people. Which in a lot of cases, I suppose, is probably part of the point.

The dynamic between me and Daddy is quite a bit different, and is much more complex. For the most part, we use each other's names, when we need to use them, and there's no issue with that. But when we drop into ritual, we always address each other by our titles, Daddy and Boy. Whenever Daddy and I are discussing kink or Leather, or if he wishes to assert his authority, the titles are used. The titles are used mostly as a way of enforcing the D/s relationship we have, to bring us into that space, but they aren't used when we are addressing each other as equals in day-to-day living.

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