Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 27: Intrusion of Vanilla

Part of my 30 Days of Kink

Day 27: Do your non-kink interests ever find their way into your kinky activities? If so, how?


It's actually a bit hard to say. I have, on occasion, used some of my non-kink skills to engage in some kink-related projects (for example, I started setting up a BDSM Checklist page with what little coding knowledge I had. This, alas, stalled, but fortunately someone else has taken up the mantle!). But my non-kink interests are generally quite orthogonal to kink in general - I work in the banking sector, and outside of work I like to play computer games. Kinda hard to mix those things with Kink, alas.

However, I guess you can include my desire to clean as a non-kink interest, and I'd say that I definitely mix that with my Kink (doing chores for my Daddy is one of my primary forms of service to him). And as much as I've lapsed somewhat, writing is definitely a hobby, so this blog could certainly count as a non-kink interest being mixed with my kink. But yeah, for the most part, my various hobbies and interests don't really overlap that much.

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